Adoption Consulting Services for U.S. Parents Seeking Infants
We’ve set up an exciting new adoption consultation program to help you get started on your adoption today! We would like to make this program available to you.
No need to budget for costly agency fees or worry about match costs. Begin your journey to PARENTHOOD with our new affordable consultation program.
Adoption For Life’s adoption consulting services are perfect for families that are ready to be proactive in finding their own birth mother while having complete control over their budget and marketing efforts, including the state their child is born in!
Take Control of Your Adoption Journey!
This plan is designed for families who:
- Need to find money to adopt – We include an entire module on this!
- Want to control their own marketing and outreach efforts.
- Desire a ‘hands on’ adoption experience.
- Are seeking a more affordable, independent (or agency if required) adoption that puts them in control.
This is an ‘invitation only’ program and is customized to your needs.
To apply, see our online application – it’s fast and easy! Adoption For Life is a perfect way to begin your adoption at a pace and a price you are comfortable with. Through nine online modules, you have the information you need to begin and complete an independent or agency adoption. With the personalized guidance of our professional adoption coaches, we will walk you through each step of the adoption process.

The Details
The one-year adoption consultation program is affordably priced at a one-time fee. This includes a complete online training package of 9 complete training modules with easy lessons, helpful checklists, tip-sheets, needed forms, and more! Most importantly, you have professional staff who will coach you through your entire adoption!