Harrison and Rebekah’s Adoption Story
Do you dream about the moment you’ll meet the child you’ll adopt? Do you wonder if you’ll have an instant connection to your child’s birth mother or how you’ll get through your nerves as you get to know her? Have you questioned what an open adoption is like when the birth mother wants minimal contact? Harrison and Rebekah’s story covers a lot of questions adopting parents have when it comes to those moments when your adoption is coming together. Hear this warm-hearted family’s story of how they met their daughter through open adoption, how to be there for your child’s birth mother, staying flexible with the process and remaining positive while you wait to be chosen by a birth mother. Plus, since we were joined by BOTH adoptive mom and dad, you’ll get a special insight and heartfelt tip for the dads-to-be as well.
You’ll be encouraged and better equipped after you hear this family’s adoption story! (You can also get a glimpse into the moment they became parents by watching this video of their hospital experience meeting their baby girl.)