What Would You Say?

Geoff got a call from a friend at work one day.  “I’m not sure anything will come of this, but I gave your number to a friend from work.  She adopted a little girl a few years ago and the mother is pregnant again.”  Speechless, Geoff jotted down a couple of notes and...

Limiting Beliefs

Dear Mardie, I’m just going to be honest here, I don’t feel like this adoption will ever happen.  It feels like too much work and we just feel lost, like we are not sure what to do first.  Do other people feel like this? Or am I just a ‘Debbie Downer’?   First...

Finding Birth Mothers

“How do we find a birth mother?” is one of the questions we hear the most from families when they are considering pursuing an independent adoption. That’s why we spent so much time on the Networking and Advertising lesson of Adoption For Life. We...