Today’s Adoption Mission

Today’s adoption mission, should you choose to accept it, is a quick reminder about adoption success.   Do you remember the key to adoption success? Working on your adoption one hour a day, then putting it away (unless you feel like doing more!).   Are you...

A Mother-In-Waiting Prayer

Mother’s Day can bring up different emotions when you are waiting to adopt.  Some women are joyful in their adoption hopes, knowing they are on the right path, moving day-by-day, one step closer to their child. Others struggle with disappointment and frustration that...

We’re Just Too Busy

Dear Mardie, Our coordinator for Adoption For Life has been asking us to have a ‘Welcome Call’ and to check in monthly, but to be honest, we are just too busy. We read the modules and are working on doing each step that it says. We did ask for home study resources...

“After We Adopt…”

Have you ever said (or thought!) the words “after we adopt” when someone asks you when you plan on doing something?   Are you going to join the gym? The adoption is really taking my focus now. I’ll get in shape after we adopt.   Should we look at life...

Paralysis in Adoption

Usually, there are always a few people who begin the adoption process, only to find themselves paralyzed by the work involved.  The sheer quantity of papers to be completed, appointments to be made, things to be written, photos to take and decisions to make can feel...