by adoptforlife | Nov 20, 2018 | adoption profile
Sharing a special or unique family tradition can be a valuable part of your adoption profile and website. Many birth mothers crave the stability that something like a tradition can share with their child. One key to remember is that it should be unique or...
by adoptforlife | Oct 23, 2018 | adoption journey, adoption profile, home study
There’s no question about it, adoption requires the use of a variety of professionals. From your home study provider to your attorney, all families need services. Even families going through state adoptions must work with professionals, take classes, and more. ...
by adoptforlife | Jun 5, 2018 | adoption profile
Most adoptive families find it helpful to do a print version of their profile. It gives you something to pass around for networking and is more tangible than a website, especially for people who may work directly with women facing an unplanned pregnancy. You can...
by adoptforlife | Mar 27, 2018 | adoption networking, adoption profile
As you write about yourself in your Dear Birth Parent letter or create your adoption website or Facebook page, you have likely spent some time figuring out who you are and what you have to offer a child. If you are in the waiting phase and it seems as though...
by Mardie Caldwell | Jan 9, 2018 | adoption profile
Profile Picture Challenges Dear Mardie, We are pulling together the photos for our profile and I am just so discouraged at how I look. I need to lose weight and I am worried that a birth mother won’t like us because of how I look. Should I wait until I lose weight or...
by Mardie Caldwell | Aug 15, 2017 | adoption profile
Dear Mardie, I have been working on our adoption profiles and I’m happy to say they are done! Yay! But now, I’m not sure what to do with them. Help! Making adoption profiles can be one of the most enjoyable parts of the adoption process. It gives...